Citatos Susan Gregg

Vizijos ieškojimas (iš Susan Gregg “Toltekų kelias“)

Mergaitė visą dieną klaidžiojo po mišką. Ją ginė liūdesys, o širdis buvo pritvinkusi pykčio. Ji taip pat norėjo ieškoti vizijos, net jei tai buvo leidžiama tik berniukams. Bet dabar, nusileidus saulei, kažkur sąmonės pakraštyje mergaitė pajuto šokant baimę. Ji pasiklydo, buvo ištroškusi, o pilvas gurgė iš alkio.
Mergaitė tyliai atsisėdo po medžiu ir sukluso. Vėjas jai visada padėdavo rasti kelią, bet dabar pyktis buvo užgožęs jo balsą. Staiga švelniai sujudo medžių lapai. Mergaitė įsiklausė ir ėmė sekti vėją. Oras prisipildė gaivaus vandens kvapo. Netrukus mergaitė pasijuto stovinti at upelio kranto. Ji padėkojo vėjui ir rieškučiomis pasisėmė vandens, kad numalšintų troškulį. Pakėlusi akis išvydo į ją žiūrintį mažą elniuką. Jų žvilgsniai trumpai susitiko, ir elniukas nubėgo pas motiną.
Perbridusi upelį, mergaitė sočiai privalgė prisirpusių uogų ir riešutų. Vasara ėjo į pabaigą, ir gamta dosniai dalijo gėrybes. Ieškoti kelio į namus jau buvo per vėlu, todėl mergaitė keliavo takeliu, kol priėjo gražią proskyną. Ją visą buvo užliejusi spindinti mėnulio šviesa.
Mergaitė puolė į proskynos vidurį ir, pagauta ekstazės, ėmė šokti, dainuoti, kol išsekusi krito ant žemės ir užmigo giliu miegu. Tačiau balsai šaukė ją prabusti. Pagaliau mergaitė atmerkė akis.
Pasaulis jai pasirodė visiškai kitoks. Pabandžiusi pajudinti kojas, suprato, kad negali to padaryti. Pažvelgusi į save, suklykė iš nuostabos: jaunas jos kūnas buvo apaugęs sena gruoblėta žieve, rankos buvo pavirtusios šakomis, o kojos giliai įsmigusios į žemę. Ji pavirto medžiu – senu gumbuotu medžiu.
“Kas man nutiko? Ką tu padarei mano kūnui?“
Pasigirdo juokas.
“Man visai nejuokinga, grąžink man mano kūną!“
“Ne taip greitai, mano vaike. Stebėk ir klausykis. Praeis šiek tiek laiko ir sužinosi daugiau“, – atsakė vėjas.
Mergaitė paklausė vėjo patarimo ir nusiramino. Ji tylomis klausėsi ir atidžiai stebėjo. Kai pažvelgdavo į savo naująjį kūną, pajusdavo pritarimą, meilę ir begalinę kantrybę. Nebebuvo prasmės skubėti; metų laikai keitė vienas kitą, o mergaitė savo šakose glaudė daug šeimų: paukštelius, jauną voveraitę, pulkus ančių. Vėjas nuolatos glamonėjo ją, žemė suteikė viską, ko reikia. Mergaitę supo taika ir ramybė. Ji šlamėjo ir leido geriems jausmams užplūsti jos širdį.
Ji jautė, kad jau žinojo pakankamai, tačiau neturėjo nė menkiausio supratimo, iš kur visa tai. Balsai tilo, bet ji vis dar galėjo juos girdėti, kai gerai įsiklausydavo.
“Kas jūs?“ – paklausė mergaitė.
“Mes esame protėviai, mano vaike. Amžių amžius saugome senovės paslaptis, kaupiame visas Žemės žinias.“
“Kur jūs?“
Mergaitė nuščiuvo ir tuo momentu suvokė: “Jūs esate medžiai, ar ne?“

Citatos · Citatos Susan Gregg · Visi įrašai

You Are The Gift

You are the gift in your own life. You always have been and always
will be. You are the star in your own production. Do you want to
make it a tragedy or a brilliant, heart warming story of love and
triumph and of a person living their dream?

Live large, dream big, and let your heart sing.

With lots of love and aloha,

How can I see all of life through the eyes of love?

Citatos · Citatos Susan Gregg · Visi įrašai

Greatest gift

You are the greatest gift in your life. When you love yourself you have plenty of love left over to share.


Can you imagine a rainbow without rain drops or sunshine? You are made of love, the only thing that is real is love and you live in a sea of love.

Just open your heart and allow yourself to connect with that love that surrounds you.

With love and aloha,

If you want to be happy make it a happy story!

Citatos · Citatos Susan Gregg · Visi įrašai

Seeing differently

Granted I live in paradise. People often spend years wanting to come to Hawaii. I have an incredible home. I have spent years creating a magical kingdom in my yard.

When someone comes here to work with me I see my land differently. I can walk the labyrinth and focus on the weeds where my guest sees only the beauty.

I love showing people around this island and seeing it through their eyes. Try seeing your life through new eyes. See it through the eyes of gratitude and see what happens.

With love and aloha,

Life is but a dream – make it a great one!

Citatos · Citatos Susan Gregg · Visi įrašai


Peace of mind – it is always only a thought away and we so often think it away! We give away our peace of mind every time we judge ourselves, someone or something. We can even watch the evening news and feel peaceful. It all depends upon what we tell ourselves. If we judge what we see, think fearful thoughts we relinquish our peace of mind.

If you want inner peace think thoughts of peace. If you want to feel fearful and worry judge what is. Life is and then we tell ourselves a story. The story dictates how we feel. What is happening out there has no emotional impact until we make up that story. If you want inner peace tell yourself stories that create inner peace.

With love and aloha,

“This stuff seems like brainwashing,“ said the student.
“Your brain needs washing,“ replied the teacher.

Citatos · Citatos Susan Gregg · Visi įrašai


We are always connected; the question is what are we connected to? It is so easy to get caught up in our story or the stories of the people around us. Moment by moment we can choose how we want to act or instinctively react to life. I am seldom happy with the results I get or how I feel when I react.

Take a deep breath and allow love to fill your lungs. Breathe deeply and really feel your lungs as they expand and fill with air. Imagine that air is filled with love. Now, imagine yourself consistently thinking loving thoughts about yourself. Imagine connecting with an infinite source of wisdom and being filled with a sense of self-acceptance. Imagine that with every breath you take you choose to connect with love. Then make it so.

With love and aloha,

If you want to be happy make it a happy story!

Citatos · Citatos Susan Gregg · Visi įrašai

What does God mean to you?

What does God mean to you? As a child I remember going to church and watching the light come through the beautiful rosette window. All the rich colors and the long shafts of light filling the church early in the morning. It was magical and as a young girl I felt something stir deep within me. But then there was the minister telling us all about hell. I was terrified. My definition of God changed, as I listened to those sermons, into an old man that kept track of all my misdeeds. Then many years later one of my mentors suggested I throw out my old concepts of God and develop a new one.

At his suggestion I would go to the beach every day, open up to the energy around me and utter a very simple prayer – just love me. There were times I wept and times I laughed with joy. It took time, but I learned to feel that energy, embrace it and allow it to love me. I allowed that energy to teach me about it rather than me assume that I knew anything about its nature. Over time I realized that divine energy is what gives each of us life and, if we allow it, that energy also fills our life with magic and miracles.

Maybe step outside, look up at the stars or the sky and just ask that energy to love you, open up and see what happens. Magic is there just waiting for you to allow it into your life.

With love,

Citatos · Citatos Susan Gregg · Visi įrašai


It is very easy to get so busy we forget to live life. What does ‘busy’ stop you from doing? How do you use being busy in your life? Do you ever use it as an excuse not to take care of yourself or do the things you love?

If you are too busy to take care of the things that really matter than you really are too busy. Take time for yourself each and every day. You deserve it!

With love,

Remember happiness is always just a thought away
So think that thought right now

Citatos · Citatos Susan Gregg · Visi įrašai


When we remember to accept ‘what is’ life sure becomes a lot easier and it can be much more enjoyable. For a pilot to fly from one place to another he/she needs to know their original location, their starting point. No matter how good a pilot they can’t get any where if they don’t know where they are to begin.

Acceptance of ourselves, our life and others allows us to know where we are starting. Then we can ask ourselves what we want to create and have greater clarity about how to create that. You can’t know which direction to go in if you don’t know where you are to begin with.

Play with unconditional acceptance and see where it takes you.


With love,

Life is but a dream – sweet dreams!